Très beau reservoir en metal nu a peindre ou vernir il mesure 48 cm de long sur 34 cm de large + 4 cm de pate de fixation. Reservoir de style QuickBobPeanuts king.
Trés beau reservoir pour Harley ou custom. Pour foire un bobber chopper. Autres modèles disponibles, Pour voir les autres models ou voire les ACHATS IMMEDIATS.
Visitez notre boutique e bay. Custom Gas Tank 4,5 GAL.
Nice quickbob dual cap fuel tank. The Gas Tank has the following size: 48 cm length x 34 cm width x 20 cm height.
Complete length including the plates 52. The tunnel to include the framework is 8 cm width, ca. 18 cm deep in front. Large capacity 4.5 gallon 17L. One piece Fat Bob style tank.
Designed to fit all stock 4 Speed Big Twin swing arm frames 1972 thru 1984 (except FXST) when using OEM mounting hardware. Also usable for Custom applications.